SportMind app launched new version of app

SportMind can be used in any web browser (we recommend Chrome) or as an app on Android tablets with minimum specifications: 4 cores, 2 GB RAM, Android version 5 and above, resolutions 1280 x 720. SportMind is available in 8 languages (English, German, Spanish, Czech, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian).

Newly released SportMind version 1.5 has following features:

  • Availability to download PDF of mental analysis outcome to the disk
  • New club administration – possibility for a psychology consultant to switch to supervised clubs (from one club to another)
  • Enter and edit user notes in psychic energy module

SportMind application consists of 3 types of diagnostics modules which coach and sport psychology consultant can use to improve athlete’s performance:

  1. Mental analysis of athlete
  2. Psychic energy of athlete
  3. Opponent
SportMind homepage

The first, pre-match diagnostic called OPPONENT, is used in the moments when e.g. players of Arsenal are to play a match against Chelsea. It reveals, whether they are too afraid of the opponents or, on the contrary, underestimating them. The coach then motivates them accordingly.SportMind oppoment

The second diagnostic called PSYCHIC ENERGY OF ATHLETE helps uncover what it is that the player or athlete is currently investing their energy into. They might feel fear or pain, and therefore they will not be well prepared for the match. Or enough psychic energy might support their fighting spirit during the match.

SportMind psychic energy

A coach can also use third diagnostic module called MENTAL ANALYSIS OF ATHLETE for teams and individuals to select the right team role or set and adjust their long-term training.

SportMind mental analysis

An athlete (footballer, rugby player, ice-hockey player etc.) performs the diagnostics on a tablet or in a web-browser. Couch/consultant then immediately receives the results and can react to the situation.